Ekaterina (or Katja) has many years of experience in Communications and PR. Fashion and Design are her all time passions and she strives to bring the most interesting stories to all of you fashionistas out there! Interviewing your favorite designers, browsing through prominent or up-and-coming fashion & design houses, she is constantly scouting the best of the best.
New York contributor
James Mattick is a British exile, writer and urban explorer currently living in Brooklyn New York. Ditching the UK’s tea drinking ways, James has ventured forth to the land of Brunch and Coffee, to add his own British twist to the American Dream. He will bring you the news about what is hot and what is not in NY city.
Irina Belan is an interior designer and journalist, who after 15 years in Moscow, now resides in Ukraine and writes for a few traditional magazines. She travels extensively to interior design exhibitions to bring you the news about the newest trends.
Web designer